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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted Chyna Doll perusing the Burbank Target aisles.

In today's episode: Britney Spears; David Beckham; Mandy Moore; Joan Rivers; Justin Long; Rachel Bilson; Jason Priestley; Jordana Spiro; Elden Henson; and Joanie Laurer.

· So I was walking into Best Buy on Sawtelle near Olympic at five o'clock on Wednesday and just as I get near the front door I am scared half to death by six or seven screeching, speeding huge black SUV's, one of which almost hit me by thismuch, a few motorbikes whizzing around the cars, and as I turned around to see who was shouting SWAT-like commands and to find out where President Bush was or what terrorist attack had befallen Best Buy, I saw a literal army of two dozen photogs leaping over bushes and practically knocking me over to get to the front door. Britney Spears drove up in some smallish car, a BMW I think? And she sent her assistant, a normalish looking girl I'd seen in other photos, to buy something in the digital camera section. All the store employees were telling the assistant they felt really bad for Britney because they couldn't believe the invasion outside. Didn't get a really good look at Britney in the car but the assistant was nice enough to the sales clerk.

I take back every snarky thing I ever said about celebrities who complain when the paparazzi come after them. I was seriously frightened at their sheer animal-like reckless behavior. What a bunch of creeps. This wasn't Hyde or the Ivy, it was Best Buy for crying out loud!! And I am NO Brit fan...but these people were digusting, rude jerks. They were really nasty to me, and I'm just the nobody they almost ran over!! I never did get my camera battery charger. They were out of it.

· David Beckham Saturday 1:30P @ Solley's deli in Sherman Oaks (Van Nuys Blvd.) With 2 young kids in soccer jerseys with "Daddy" on the back and 3 or 4 bodyguard-looking white guys (one with ear piece)
They were taken to some private area in the back.
Posh not in tow.

· Mandy Moore at (a pretty empty) Mexico City restaurant on Hillhurst, Wednesday 10 October. Sittting with some guy (adult, but looked about 17), she was animated, laughing and, seemingly, unself-conscious. Seemed completely natural, friendly and open. Girl is gorgeous and tall with a beautiful body.

· Went to the opening of "The Quality of Life" at the Geffen Playhouse last night (starring Scott Bakula, Laurie Metcalf and JoBeth
Williams). Joan Rivers was in the audience, and let me tell you, she's been nipped and tucked into oblivion. Barely recognizable. Has the creepy fish-look so common among the old wives of Bev Hills and Bel Air.

· 10/10 - Justin Long spotted having a lunch outside Bay Cities Deli in Santa Monica. He walked in alone, but came out with some food and a lovely unknown 20-something.

bad photo attributed to taking picture from hip.

· 10/8: Sherman Oaks Fashion Square, near the food court: Spotted Rachel Bilson hugging a blonde woman pushing a stroller. RB was in a jaunty hat, white top, and jeans and looked very cute. She was with another woman with a baby and she was all into the kid.

· Sunday, Oct 7th - While watching the Red Sox spank the Angels at Sebastian's in Burbank, I saw Jason Priestley walk in with his wife and baby for lunch.

· Saw Jordana Spiro ("My Boys") at last night's Morrissey show (10/9). Seemed to be enjoying the show (along with the rest of the gothic/ Latino/hipster/old-school KROQ types). If she's as Moz fan, that's good enough for me. I'll watch her show. Moz was in fine form, BTW, and took his his shirt off three times.

· As I was leaving a screening of Lars & the Real Girl (Thurs 10/11), I noticed late 90's teen sidekick extraordinaire Elden Henson arm-in-arm with whom I can only presume to be his girlfriend going up the escalators to The Landmark Theater (West LA). I can't deny that I desperately wanted to start quacking (none of us want to admit it, but we've all seen at least one of the Mighty Duck movies)

· Tuesday 10/9: I saw Joanie Laurer a.k.a. Chyna Doll at the Burbank Target. Aside from being a plastic surgery fest, she looked kinda cute—wearing the kind of clothes rich housewives wear when they run errands.