AOL's history of layoffs

Is any company as prone to fits of overenthusiastic hiring and then desperate firing as AOL? Even in the go-go '90s, America Online binged and purged on employees. A veteran employee who claims to have survived 35 — 35! — rounds of layoffs throughout the years put together a partial listing of some of the bigger cuts. But from everything we hear, next week's bloodletting will be, as they say, off the chart. The list, after the jump.
- November 1996: 300 (AOLwatch)
- March 1999: 850 (Mozillazine)
- January 2001: 750 (ZDNet UK)
- August 2001: 1200 (ZDNet UK)
- July 2003: 50 (ZDNet UK)
- December 2003: 450
- December 2004: 950 (
- October 2006: 700 (Maya Reynolds)
- December 2006: 500 (CRN)
- December 2006: 450 (Washington Post)
- February 2007: 600 (Washington Post)
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