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· Showing a Baueresque level of self-sacrifice, Kiefer Sutherland takes one for his TV team, pleading out to 48 days of jail time that can be served on a two-stint schedule that won't interrupt the shooting of 24, even though he probably could have served fewer days if he'd opted for a consecutive sentence. If eighteen months of being tortured by the Chinese couldn't break him, seven weeks should be a breeze. [THR]
· After putting up "solid" premiere numbers, ABC's bold Cavemen experiment falters, dropping off 25 percent in its second week. Enjoy your lovable, squash-playing, Swedish-furniture-hawking Neanderthals while you still can. [Variety]

· As contract negotiations remain contentious, the studios are instituting a hiring freeze on writers, hoping to make the industry's powerful working scribes remember the days they were as unemployed as most of the WGA's membership. [Variety]
· Chris Pine, whose biggest credit to date was surviving Lindsay Lohan's Just My Luck, finds himself the Next Big Thing, as he's in "discussions" to be J.J. Abrams' Captain Kirk and "negotiations" to join George Clooney in White Jazz. [THR]
· Hollywood Out of Ideas, Indestructible Cyborgs Edition: Warner Bros. snags the rights to Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, hoping to reboot the franchise with a new storyline that span over three films. Cameron Diaz to star. [Variety]