Actually, "Everyone At 'Glamour'" Loves Ashley Baker

We heard from a former Glamour employee earlier today, who claimed that everyone at Glamour hated the recently-removed young editor and blogger Ashley Baker. (Ashley lost her job over comments about black womens' hair in the office world, and also woke up this morning to a really odd and sorta fishy item about how Glamour editor Cindi Leive was so enraged by Ashley's behavior.) Now we hear from a current staffer, who paints quite the opposite word-picture.
I think I speak on behalf of everyone at Glamour when I say that what was posted today is exactly the opposite of how people here feel about Ashley. In spite of the fact that she made a mistake, for which she's deeply, deeply sorry, her karma is golden. Everyone loves her here for her enthusiasm, intelligence, sweetness, humor, and all around wonderfulness. She really was (and is) impossible NOT to like. She was a HUGE asset to this staff and a lot of people here are very sad that she's left. Everyone was standing around reading that posting just appalled. We know that Ashley will go on to have a great career in or out of the magazine business—whatever she decides.