Bad news for noses: Efforts by the Mexican government to curtail the flow of cocaine to this country have resulted in higher prices and lower availability of the drug in 37 U.S. cities, including New York. Drug Enforcement Agency figures show that the price of a gram of powder jumped 24% to about $120 from April to June. Possible saving grace: The feds are usually full of shit.

Says the AP: "Steven Karch, a forensics expert in Berkeley, Calif., said he had not seen the price figures... but was skeptical about the decline in supply. 'I hope they're right. Every time we hear this, it turns out to be business as usual.'"

Either way, we're alarmed: The idea that we might have to spend our evening in some crowded bar pretending we can hear our idiot friends spout their meaningless conversations over the sound of whatever hot new crap band the bar owner's iPod-wielding girlfriend is flooding the room with is almost unbearable without the sweet palliative of a racing heart and a runny nose. Have you noticed a spike in the price of cocaine lately? And if not, can we have your guy's number?

Feds Claim U.S. Cocaine Supply Drops [AP]