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While repeat DUI-offender Michelle Rodriguez's employment woes have been temporarily staved off, having won a role in James Cameron's hotly anticipated Avatar, her legal troubles continue to come up on her like a Spam-and-cheese sandwich after one too many after-work Scorpion Bowls. At issue is an L.A. parole violation for her drunk driving arrest in Hawaii, for which she was sentenced to 60 days in jail, and which, in typical celebrity justice fashion, turned into 4 hours and 27 minutes of hard time, and 30 mandated days of community service. Now prosecutors are claiming she came up short, and lied about the days she claimed she did work:

Prosecutors in Los Angeles want the former "Lost" star's probation on several charges including hit and run and driving under the influence, revoked for allegedly failing to fulfill her community service obligations.

In documents obtained by Access Hollywood, prosecutors allege that Rodriguez turned in papers claiming she performed only 16 days of community service out of 30 days.

Also, one of those days is being called into question — September 25, 2006...As a result of the conflicting reports, the prosecution claims all of Rodriguez's community service should be called into question.

Rodriguez's aversion to community service is well established, having passed on that option during her Hawaiian sentencing in favor of a five-day poetry and song retreat behind the walls of a Honolulu women's correctional facility. Should her distaste for highwayside refuse-spearing have led her to lie to the court, however, the consequences could be severe; so severe, in fact, that they could affect her access to the Avatar set, whereupon she'd quickly find herself replaced by a far more dependable synthespian with no bad habit of stepping behind the wheel of a CGI-spaceship after one too many virtua-cocktails.