Iran's President Ahmadinejad probably doesn't get out much with the common people, so he's probably missing all the hot gay action in and out of Tehran. For starters, Cruising for Sex suggests checking out the park by the city theater at Vali Asr and Enghelab—right in the middle of everything, and tourist-friendly too!

We suspect the best way to meet a hot gay Iranian is to join up with Iranian Gay Doctors. You dated up in New York—why wouldn't you date up in Tehran?

We don't know what this is but it's called "Guyslink" and seems to be in Farsi! Hello, fellas!

Or, if you don't feel like setting yourself up for a flaying, you could just stay home and search XTube for "Iranian"—the results aren't that rewarding, but they sure will NOT BE SAFE FOR WORK.

Those porn enthusiasts who live in the VHS era will happily recall Iranian-American mid-90s Catalina video star Gianfranco ("Forever Hold Your Piece 2"?), also known as Benny Yip, who is now an escort in West Hollywood.

Seriously, this CBC special on the gays of Iran makes it sound like fun! Except for all the kidnapping and rape and killing.

Other than that, we bet it's great.

Radar has some proof of Iran's cultural gayness as well.