Remember Yahoo Pipes, the "interactive feed aggregator and manipulator" — in other words, a website meant to help people build simple Web applications? It launched to some fanfare last February, with many taking it as a sign of Yahoo getting its mojo back. We hear that the project is starting to "implode," as our tipsters says, with most of its upper-level people looking to get out. Already gone, Wired's Epicenter notes, are the two cofounders of the project, Pasha Sadri, who left to pursue a "personal project," and Edward Ho, who just joined rival Google. Pipes was the first major release out of Yahoo's Brickhouse, the company's San Francisco-based startup-idea incubator. That Brickhouse's door is revolving so swiftly after six short months isn't a good omen to us. So, how are the rest of Brickhouse's projects faring? If you've heard anything, please fill us in.