From the mailbag, we learn that Michelle Williams is still working through the pain of her breakup with Heath Ledger—now she's in the dangerous "wild Williamsburg nights with her daughter's godmother" stage. Says a stalker: "Went to the Modest Mouse concert last night and after proceeded to go to Enid's diner, a local bar and hangout that attracts the likes of hipsters, skateboarders, etc. [Ed. Note: Indeed.] As we were going out the front door to smoke I caught sight of Michelle Williams sitting with a group of friends including Busy Phillips, former castmate on "Dawson's Creek" (Joeys college roommate) sitting at the corner table near the entrance. Michelle looked very tiny but very cute with her pixie brown hair. Busy Phillips was a slut and made out with my friends ex boyfriend. Other than that they were pretty cool."