Julia Allison Knows: Exactly What She's Doing, The Word 'Dichotomy'

We once posited this analysis of professional talking head, dating columnist, and internet metacelebrity Julia Allison: "The extent of her self-awareness of her persona is a constant source of speculation for me. I think she must know to some extent that the character she has constructed—a hyperstylized vixen—borders on absurd but you gotta admit, she's milking the character for all it is worth." Now we wonder no more! Julia writes: "I've always felt completely self-aware—like, if you don't get that 94% of the things I do are to amuse myself, or because I fear, more than anything else, being boring—how is that my problem?" Snap! Oh, and it gets better. She's written a whole post about her image construction! Sociology grad students, listen up.
Julia continues:
Although the rhetorical question "how is that my problem?" is a fairly egocentric thing to say, actually. It presupposes that I really don't care what anyone else thinks, which, I'm sorry to say, isn't the case. (Inconveniently.) I don't care what all people think, and I certainly have different standards than ... ugh, you know what? I'm totally bored by this line of thinking right now. So I'm just ending the paragraph.
Ha! Oh, and she also asked her brother (among others!) to fill out a questionnaire about what makes her so ... Julia. His final analysis:
You're sort of like a high proof shot. There is a lot of energy, it's confrontational, it's in your face, and people make that shot face. But in the end the fact is that you are a big dork. Your farts smell and you think they are funny. You pick up dirt and make people look at it. You produce and stick by some of the most retarded stories ever created to explain how that stupid thing everyone just saw you do was totally not your fault. And that's endearing to your friends and family because they are all dorks under the façade of success too.