Total creative freedom emeges [sic] from daring, challenging, provoking and exploring anarchistic and chaotic ideas that shimmer through the veil of order. You can become a successful artist, master of your fate, in love with your work, dedicated to growth and achievement, and a daring pioneer and artist who triumphantly races outside the box. You can spend your life doing what you love — a rare and magnificent privilege. "If your life bores you, risk it!"

Admit it, free spirits, something about this sings to you. You're ready to race outside the box. You're daring. You've got the mettle it takes to intern for a top adventure/travel artist/photographer/writer/aerial photographer. Your dreams are but a click away. Oh, also, it helps if you know Dreamweaver and/or Flash, After Effects and Final Cut as well for image and music installations and web site.

Harvey Lloyd, top adventure/travel artist/photographer/writer/aerial photographer seeks the best, brightest, creative, energetic, self-starters as intern/assistants. Apply if you have a "fire in your hair" mania for art, photography, sciences, technology and worldwide knowledge. It helps if you know Dreamweaver and/or Flash, After Effects and Final Cut as well for image and music installations and web site.

Lloyd runs a creative, no holds barred, damned to hell with pedagogic rules and restraints, fire in the belly, "If your life bores you, risk it," freedom loving chaotic studio. We work like the devil to passionately, recklessly, sensitively, actively, devilishly explore and shatter the boundaries, cliches and limits of all and any arts that deal with visual images. NO UNCREATIVE OR GREEDY COMMERCIAL WORK IS DONE HERE. We explore the limits. We are the future!

Total creative freedom emeges from daring, challenging, provoking and exploring anarchistic and chaotic ideas that shimmer through the veil of order. You can become a successful artist, master of your fate, in love with your work, dedicated to growth and achievement, and a daring pioneer and artist who triumphantly races outside the box. You can spend your life doing what you love — a rare and magnificent privilege. "If your life bores you, risk it!"

Interns will learn the strategies of creating and working at the highest levels, employing winning business practices, writing adventure projects, and the chutzpah to achieve huge success in their chosen art and profession. Lloyd has over forty years behind the lens making still images, documentary films, multi-screen, multi-media shows with eight picture books to his credit and three more on the way. An artist/photographer/writer, he has traveled a million and a half miles for adventure travel, aerial, photojournalism, portrait and street photography. Lloyd has hung out of helicopters over seven continents and seven seas. This is the real world! You will learn professional and business strategy from his forty plus years of business and marketing skills including running studios, getting media attention writing proposals, choosing his paid for travels, getting picture books published, gaining media coverage, negotiating, budgeting, billing and employing winning business strategy.

Are you an applicant who has dedication, passion, love of beauty, art and nature, tenacity, courage, and a damn the torpedoes mind, heart and spirit? You will need to earn part of your income outside of the studio like most of the best who seek to make it in the highly competitive and creative New York City environment. Age is no barrier. Those talented individuals who are forever seeking, curious, passionate, dying to learn, to break out, and to grow and to conquer the world in their chosen art and professions should apply. Thank you, Harvey Lloyd Studios

IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE VISIT, VIEW, AND CAREFULLY READ our website PLEASE E-MAIL A LETTER that shows you have seen and read the website and ADD YOUR COMMENTS. Please PASTE YOUR RESUME on your response and e-mail to NO ATTACHMENTS please. Note that submissions that do not follow these guidelines cannot be considered.

[Image: Harvey Lloyd]