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Every year, we at Beloit College publish a "mindset list" to identify the worldviews of the year's entering college freshmen. The "class of 2029" refers to students entering college this fall, in 2025. Most of these students are 18, which means they were born in 2007. For them, Anna Nicole Smith, Steve Irwin, Ray Charles, James Brown, Saddam Hussein, and Robin Williams's career have always been dead.

  1. No one's ever worn a digital watch.
  2. "I'm Rick James, bitch" is just something old people say.
  3. To relax, they've always turned on the nightly news. The news has always been delivered by comedians.
  4. They don't know what a LOLCat is or why it talks that way.
  5. They've always been able to use a cell phone on a plane.
  6. Tattoos have always been normal.
  7. Mr. Rogers has never taken them to the Land of Make-Believe.
  8. Good sitcoms have never had laugh tracks.
  9. Apple has always been a big deal, as have Google and Facebook.
  10. They've never paid for a classified ad.
  11. They've never danced to "Numa Numa."
  12. Who's Mario?
  13. Katie Couric has still never been a respected news anchor.
  14. Kids have always had their own phones.
  15. They've never "missed" a TV show that they couldn't watch an hour later.
  16. Movies have always come in the mail.
  17. They've never licked a stamp.
  18. Americans have always worried about Muslims.
  19. They don't care if Tony Soprano died, if Ross and Rachel ever got together, who got to be a millionaire, or who was a Cylon.
  20. Lindsay Lohan was never innocent.
  21. They've never read "People" Magazine.
  22. They don't remember Castro or why he was ever a big deal.
  23. What's a mousepad?
  24. "Lord of the Rings" looks fake and the effects are laughable.
  25. Andy Samberg has always been a movie star.
  26. The Olsen Twins have always been legal, but it's still creepy to want Mary-Kate.
  27. There's never been smoking in restaurants.
  28. Saturday Night Live's good stuff has always been made for the Internet.
  29. Pop stars have always worked with rappers.
  30. Perez Hilton has always been on TV.
  31. Computers have never been beige.
  32. Role-playing games have always been played on the Internet. What's a 20-sided die?
  33. All TVs are "high definition."
  34. They've never had to pull over for directions.
  35. Cafes have always been a place to work on a laptop.
  36. The "dot-com bust" means as much to them as the Great Depression.
  37. Ipods have always come with a phone.
  38. Global warming has always been a major voter issue, and Republicans have always acknowledged it.
  39. Vice presidents have never been useless.
  40. Quarters have never all looked the same.
  41. Abe Vigoda is still alive.