Poor Times deputy metro editor for regional news Jodi Rudoren is on the Talk to the Newsroom hot seat this week, in which readers query New York Times editors. But alas, no one has any questions for her! She is reduced to answering non-questions along the lines of "I saw your photograph today on www.nytimes.com and just thought I would say hello—I was in the Class of 1992 with you—I don't have a question to ask." What is this, Facebook? But we imagine Jodi's lowest moment came when she was forced to address this query: "Why no Modern Love this week? It's my favorite column." "This has nothing to do with me," Jodi admits, and then elaborates—along the way telling us that sex is the most searched for topic on NYT.com.

I'm also a big fan of the Modern Love column, so was happy to find out for you, Dan. Thankfully, it is NOT because there is some kind of shortage of Love, modern or otherwise, in the world. It's because the editor, Daniel Jones, is on vacation, perhaps pursuing some modern love of his own. Trip Gabriel, editor of Sunday Styles, where the column runs, said you are not alone in wondering what happened to it. According to Trip, if you check out the "Most Searched" feature on NYTimes.com, "sex" is usually the No. 1 object of readers' desire. This morning, Trip says, it was "Modern Love." But, alas, it was not findable. Trip assures me, though, that Daniel, and ML, will be back this coming Sunday.

As long as you're answering questions on behalf of Daniel Jones, Jodi, we have one more: How freaking hard could it be to line up a single column to run while you're off on vacation?

Jodi Rudoren: Talk To The Newsroom [NYT]