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Bucking the teacup Chihuahua trend, Ving Rhames owns three 200-pound bull mastiffs and an English bulldog—trickier to have poking out of a Hermès bag on the red carpet, but doable—who were recently accused of having fatally mauled their caretaker, who lived on the property. Now, an autopsy suggests that the dogs weren't responsible for his death:

The medical examiner who conducted [Jacob] Adams' autopsy August 7 said the bite abrasions and lacerations on the man's body were most likely nonfatal, said Capt. Ed Winter of the Los Angeles County coroner's office.

"We're not saying the bites were definitely not the cause of death, though," Winter told The Associated Press.

"When animals attack humans or other animals, the victims usually end up with bites around the head and neck. He had none," Winter said. "This leads us to believe he went down for some other medical reason."

The news came as a welcome relief to Rhames, who opted to ignore the Captain's caveat and pronounce his relief over his pets' innocence, stopping short of proudly gushing how the dogs were probably just trying to drag their keeper to safety, and would have dialed 911 were they not impeded by their unwieldy snouts.