Yesterday, a reader threw a good scare into us by pointing out that YouTube superstar Brian Atene, whose too-infrequent video dispatches are the only real Art being produced in the industry today, had yanked all of his previous clips but one, leading us to believe that the gifted, possibly insane monologist might be headed towards a tragically early retirement.

Fortunately for us all, this unexpected house-cleaning turned out to be just a false alarm: Atene has already returned, shirtless and brandishing a bottle of Sam Adams (has he signed a product placement deal?), and reassuring his fans that not only hasn't he gone away ("I'm STILL here. I'M STILL HERE, I'mstillhere"), but that he's on the verge of a prolific period in his creative development. Enjoy his public workshopping of a Brokeback Mountain piece that we're confident will shame the original Heath Ledger performance once he's had a little more time to run through its tricky, bittersweet rhythms.