Apparently, the upcoming issue of Vanity Fair will feature a piece on that increasingly vital subset of the celebutard population, Guys Who Have Married, Impregnated, Or Serially Copulated With Women Who Possess More Wealth And/Or Fame Than They Do, an exposé on the hanger-on lifestyle (one which, in the words of writer Nancy Jo Sales, seems to have no downside) that will feature Kevin Federline, the guy from The Good Charlottes who knocked up Nicole Richie, and Cisco Adler, among others.

This clip from ET previews the story, with an understandable focus on K-Fed, the unquestioned giant of the so-called Bad Boys Club—his womanizing game is so ridiculous that even his moms has to give him props. Also of note is Adler's amazing ability to become temporarily airborne despite the gravitational impediment represented by his enormous balls.

BONUS! Did you know that the VF photo shoot was conducted by none other than Billion Dollar Director Brett Ratner? It totally was! has behind-the-scenes footage of Ratner pointing a camera at his new bros, just minutes before he invited them all back to Hillhaven Lodge for a rager.