So Alyssa Shelasky's old Glamour blog "Alyssacentric" is now being written by a dude who says things like "You know how they say you live and learn? Well, the same be could be said about loving—you love and you learn." And, like ants whose queen just got squished under the sole of someone's Havaiana, the commenters are scrambling around bumping into things and making little high-pitched squeaks of pain. "She's been cheating on us for MONTHS!" ejaculates workoffiction, while LORIKNOWS responds with a more tempered, "Speechless.. kind of. At least we get to see what she's up too [sic]." But Rubykix7's comment is perhaps the most poignant: "I'm sad. I wrote her an e-mail on myspace and she didn't respond. Guess she's too busy." You know, sometimes, Rubykix7, you love and you learn.