Is Perez Hilton The Next Simon Schama?

In Sunday's Arts & Leisure section, Virginia Heffernan deconstructs websites that make a living making fun of bad photographs of celebrities. And where does she turn for an authoritative analysis? Why, our fave crack art historian, Perez Hilton!
"I took several art history classes in school, and photography," he said in a telephone interview. "When you pay attention, you see some things that somebody else might miss, so it behooves you to try and find that special thing in an image. Then your intepretation [sic] will stand out more... When I look at a picture, I go through the same process as when I look at a news story. How can I process this image to make this as entertaining as possible to my readers? I'm looking at it, cropping it, resizing it, drawing on it, making it my own."