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Post gossip dowager Cindy Adams claws her way out of the casket this morning to float the following rumor about Kevin Federline and Britney Spears. Apparently, Britney wants Kevin back! But there's more!

[T]his pure speculation is rooted only in the fact that these people with whom I was talking closely watch and monitor those people about whom we were speaking. Since Kevin, who formerly played house with Shar Jackson, unmarried mama of his other kids, has now come right back to Shar's side (or whichever other part), they theorize that marrying Britney was all a plan. Get fame, career, money as a result of Britney—then run right back to Shar.

Well, sure, anything's possible, we guess. But ascribing that kind of foresight and motive to serial sperminator Federline (and, ladies, the mere act of reading his name now makes it fifty percent more likely that you are pregnant; sorry about that) seems like something of a stretch, no? We have a hard time imagining the dude working out a complex plan to tie his shoes; knocking up the world's biggest pop star twice so that he could eventually return to the scene of his prior ovary attacks with a wad of cash strikes us as a tad more ambitious than that gentleman is capable of being.