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Glamour developmentallydisabledblogger Alyssa Shelasky may be out in the sultry Hamptons, but as discussed, she's working her core, not her "core." What to do, then? Well, turn to the mailbag. Because there, some poor soul is actually soliciting Alyssa's advice about what to do when a dude is a dud in the ol' bedroom-region!

"He doesn't turn me on - period. I don't exactly "fake it," but we don't really talk about it either. I guess I should teach him what I like and all that, but I honestly think it boils down to a lack of sexual chemistry. I don't want to break up with him, but I'm also not going to settle for a bad-sex relationship. Besides totally emasculating him, and telling him that I really don't enjoy fooling around with him, is there anything else I can do???" The correct answer: "No, dump him!" does not occur to Ms. Having A Man is The Point Of Life, of course. No, here is her advice, in its entirety: "Oh girl. You are certainly not alone—it happens!" Um. MAYBE TO YOU.

Not Hot, Not Bothered, Not Okay [Alyssa]