Curious about what's going on in Glamour tardblogger Alyssa Shelasky's Hamptonsy lifestyle? Look no further than her latest work of blogcraft, which is about how she is focusing less on spinning and more on working her core. Omg, what?? Here's how it begins: "Tried a new workout today. It's called Core Fusion—and it focuses on, well, your core. At first I didn't like it. I was surrounded by a bunch of soccer moms (aka MILFS) and they made me a little uncomfortable. I missed the young, energized, eccentric spin crowd. But it got better. After a few stretches I could feel my muscles responding really positively. I've been spinning so much that it felt incredible to push other parts of my body. It also felt nice to exercise without absolutely killing myself. No matter how many spinning classes I take, I'm still in screaming pain during some of those climbs. With that said, another perk with freelancing is the ability to take care of myself like this. I'll never take that for granted." Are you sitting down? Cause that's not all.

While I'm not losing weight from all this exercise (that's not my goal, anyways), [Ed: OKAYYYY???] I have to say, my body feels better than ever. Very empowering. One funny thing though, since working-out has become such a big part of my life, I tend to invite anyone and everyone along. Yes, I'm that girl who makes her weekend guests wake up at 7am for "Beach Boot Camp," or something obsessive like that. Anyway, lately I've lured a few guys into spin class with me. (Men love the concept of spinning — they think they'll be surrounded by sex-deprived, calorie-counting women, and that the class will be easy and they'll look like heroes. Wrong!) Some of these guys are friends, some are healthy competitors and a few are flirtatious crushes. With all the intermingling of boys and sweat and heavy breathing, there's something totally ridiculous I need help with. I'm embarrassed to ask, but I cannot find a way to look cute while I work out. My hair frizzes, my mascara runs and I am absolutely drenched after like, one sit-up. Does anyone have any secrets to looking sexy at the gym? I know I shouldn't care. But I do! I just do.

Well, Alyssa. That makes one of us.

Introducing My Core [Alyssa]