You know, a while ago we got all huffy about how passing the hat for donations from friends and family members toward your "sick" honeymoon on the internet was tacky. But hey, you know what's really tacky? Passing the hat for donations from random strangers on the internet for not aborting your pregnancy.

Please don't mis-understand, it's not that we _want_ to abort the baby. Although neither of us is particularly pro-life, we don't want to have to have an abortion. We think we'd be pretty good parents, and we both would enjoy raising a kid. We're both from pretty good stock, well educated and intelligent. We'd be able to raise the child in a good environment, teach it right, keep it out of trouble, and introduce a new productive member of humanity to the world. Our kid won't grow up and rob you.Right now, we just can't afford it, which is why we're here, on this site. We've crunched some numbers, and we believe that, to really set ourselves up in a good environemnt [sic] for the baby, we need $50,000.

Whoa, great idea! Except? $50,000 grand is barely gonna get them through the first year. What are they going to do when the kid's a year old, threaten to kill him if people don't pony up more?

Help My Baby Live, Please