Paris Hilton Tastes Her Freedom, And It Tastes A Lot Like Taco Bell

It truly is a wonderful time to be young, thin, obscenely wealthy, and not currently in jail, and so in honor of a certain internationally beloved heiress who just happens to be all four of those things, we proudly present this round-up of Paris Hilton updates from around the web:
· A copy of Paris's prison canteen order (pause for completely understandable shock that such a jail convenience exists) included soy sauce packets, a banana nut muffin, emery boards and an eyebrow pencil. [TMZ]
· A 9:30 a.m. home appointment with DreamCatchers Hair Extensions meant Paris was weavetastic and ready to conquer Robertson by the noon hour. [Us]
· The first day of freedom was spent at her parents Bel-Air estate, where pink balloons, a cake, and a "Pick Me Up (From Jail)" bouquet greeted her upon her arrival. [People]
· A passing mention from the hungry, newly liberated heiress along the lines of, "You know what would be hot right about now? Gorditas!" quickly hit Taco Bell's radar, whereupon the restaurant chain instantly appointed themselves the unofficial corporate partner of the Paris Hilton Freedom Tour, which includes a generous offer to repay supportive fans with a three-hour, all-you-can-eat Chicken Grilled Taquitos gorge-a-thon at the Taco Bell location of Paris's choosing. All she has to do is show up. [Taco Bell]
· Here's a slide show of various causes Paris might want to devote her time to, now that she's out of jail and ready to make a difference. Who knows—perhaps she may one day be single-handedly responsible for contributing to a Kinkajou-AIDS cure! [LAT]