Looking for work? Want to get in the ground floor of a can't-miss new idea? Your ticket may have already been stamped!

Seeking full charge Editor for new high-end, affluent gay weekly focused on mainstream politics, business, science, art, and sports, and gay sports and local culture.

The magazine is the gay version of The Economist mixed with New York Magazine, and will be started on a very small scale, but grown quickly into multiple national editions.

Candidates need to have degree from top college or university and an educational or work background in Politics and/or Business.

If no prior experience, candidate must prove capabilities in pre-interview.

So much to work with here. "Sports and gay sports!" (Go for it.) "The gay version of The Economist." Why not? Everyone copies it, how hard could it be to translate into gay? Add a snide, empty dash of New York magazine and there you are! If only we had a degree from a top college or university we'd be out of here so fast this whole blog would be dead air. Do let us know what capabilities you need to prove in that pre-interview, please. (And is it anal?)

Editor of new gay weekly - politics, business, science, sports [Craigslist]