When last we checked in on Glamour's resident navelgazeologist Alyssa, she was anticipating a summer of fun in the Hamptons tainted only by a mild worry that she might run into an old enemy. Luckily, it seems she's done nothing lately but make new friends! Hedge fund friends! "Older" friends! Friends who, when they see the way Alyssa's characterized her interactions with them on her bloggyblog, might not find themselves feeling quite so friendly!

There was a seated dinner where my girlfriends and I were strategically separated (I guess the point was to make new friends — a little intense!). After our unbelievable lamb and couscous, I ended up mingling with a few gentlemen from my table. I wasn't interested in them romantically or anything, but I felt rude ditching them after an hour of dining together. However, since I couldn't really escape, I never had a chance to fully scope out the scene (I wanted the cute bartenders more than the billionaires!). My friend detected the "I'm cornered!" look more than once, and came to my rescue when she could. Eventually, she said I need to learn to be a better bitch. It sounds awful(!), right?

She closes by asking "In the future, what's the best way to 'blow a guy off' without being too mean? We'd suggest omitting the "off" from your query, Alyssa, if you're looking for more free "unbelievable" lamb and couscous in your future.

Just Another Arabian Night [See Alyssa Date]
Related: Dear 'Glamour' Blogger Alyssa Shelasky: You Could Stand To Learn A Thing Or Two About The 'Edgy' English Language... [Jezebel]