The Vanessa Grigoriadis profile of Tom Ford runs at last in today's New York mag. "At 45, Ford is still the only handsome male fashion designer," she writes. (Ahem, Alexander McQueen!) Apart from that, there's not a shred of bitchiness. Says Tom Ford: "I know my value as a product, and I've divorced myself as a human from myself as a product." Also he has a Scottish butler named Angus, lives in the Carlyle Hotel in New York, and has two fox terriers. (Not mentioned in the profile, but, by his report, he really is monogamous with his gay homosexual lover, something we've always found both frustrating and informative.) He knows he's selling lifestyle: "We are running a business that's not for everyone, and I'm not trying to be an asshole, but some people can't afford it and maybe there is a sort of resentment about that." Weirdest of all, she opens the piece by talking extensively about seeing his, uh, unit—but then never tells us about it. Who knew Vanessa was a total cocktease?

Tom Ford After Sex [NY mag]