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We know that Atoosa Rubenstein wishes the Times had "more color and less words," but how does she feel about The New Yorker? Perhaps some insight can be found in her latest MySpace post, in which she writes, for a change, about how she believes in her dreams and you should too. "The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is my guidebook to life. I'll probably talk about it again, but something about it reminded me of what we talked about last week regarding us being Alpha Kitties — girls who follow their dreams," she says before quoting that book, which is like The Celestine Prophecy crossed with The Secret, but dumber, at length.

Perhaps the 'Toos missed the long piece in this week's New Yorker about how Coelho has managed to spin his knack for writing what one scholar calls "yuppie esoteric narrative" into such massive sales. Or maybe she didn't miss it at all, and she's subtly rebutting it! There are unplumbed depths to the 'Toos, we just know it. Either way, she's probably psyched for Coelho's upcoming novel, which is about a witch who was ahead of her times and was misunderstood by the world. There are Alpha Kitties wherever you look these days.