Like so many of us, Kenneth "It Should Have Been Me Who Killed All Those White Kids" Eng, has a book in him. It's a lighthearted, "Bill Maherish" romp through a litany of things Kenneth wants all Asians to hate. Ken's e-mail solicitation going out to publishers reveals that the man is a master strategist of the hard sell ("What's in it for you? Imagine having the ONLY manuscript that defends the VA Tech Shooter") with a firm grasp of the publishing industry's current concerns ("Occasionally, I will use personal anecdotes (proof of which I have, to prevent another James Frey) about my many physical and verbal fights with whites and blacks."). Interested? Of course you are. His solicitation follows.

I am writing to ask if you'd be interested in publishing a book I am writing involving the VA Tech Shooting. Entitled "Why I Hate Everything", it is based on what Asians in this country really believe. It defends Seung-Hui Cho by outlining very harshly that he was the real victim.

Originally, this book was about the national controversy I created two months ago with my article "Why I Hate Blacks". This was the last in a series of articles I published in AsianWeek newspaper describing why I as an Asian hate whites, America, conformity, etc. It made national headlines, and was featured on FOX News:

I have also released a statement that got published yesterday about my support for the VA Tech shooter:,hilliard,76520,2.html

The journalist quoted me out of context (for example, I only "stalked" a girl because she was rude to me and I intentionally wanted to creep her out). But it captures what I truly believe about the VA Tech Shooter.

I know that Asians don't really have much of a voice because no one really gives a damn about us. However, with the attention that brave Mr. Cho generated, I think people will listen now. I personally felt like Mr. Cho echoed a lot of what I have said and felt. Asians are suffering in this country. We need to fight.

What's in it for you? Imagine having the ONLY manuscript that defends the VA Tech Shooter. People will be talking about this for 6 months, and I'm sure there will be a multitude of books filled with sympathy for the people who were gunned down. But my book shows the other side of the story — likely it will be the one book that does so. And my publicity with the "Why I Hate Blacks" article and the Village Voice article that came out today certainly helps.

The book is divided into chapters entitled "Why I Hate (something)". They will involve descriptions of why Asians should hate certain things and how we are violated in the US. Occasionally, I will use personal anecdotes (proof of which I have, to prevent another James Frey) about my many physical and verbal fights with whites and blacks. The writing style will be slightly comedic (who wants to read a 300-page rant without humor?). It won't just be a boring textbook-style outline of historical events. It will be a Bill Maherish bashing.

If you are interested, I can send you over a synopsis and a sample chapter. Thanks for your time.

Kenneth Eng, novelist

Previously: N.Y.U. Kid: "Hey, Mass Murder Was My Idea"