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Embattled Grey's Anatomy actor Isaiah Washington may have appeared to have mostly recovered from his rageoholic ways as he gawked sweetly at swollen testicles on a recent episode (ABC's claiming it was the guy's head, but—paging Dr. McFreudy—we still see a pair of hairy cantaloupes), but apparently his gayhab work is not yet done:

Isaiah Washington, who came under fire after using an anti-gay slur, will appear in a public service announcement on behalf of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation and the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network.

"We're gonna have - I want to say at least two versions of it at this point. We may broaden our message a little," the actor's publicist, Howard Bragman, told The Associated Press in a phone interview Wednesday.

Bragman said ABC, which is owned by The Walt Disney Co., was planning to shoot the ad in the next few weeks.

We'll assume T.R. "I Just Focus on the Work" Knight had little say in this matter, and that his inner-bullied-gay-child will swiftly induce a gag reflex every time any version of his tormentor's PSA airs. Which brings us to our next point: Just how many versions do they need to adequately "broaden [their] message?" It strikes us just one—featuring the actor peering vulnerably into a camera lens and announcing to the world, "Sure, calling your co-worker an ugly word for 'polesmoker' might let off some steam in the short run, but it really just ends up hurting everyone"—would be more than enough to express his publicist-approved regret.