FYI, Glamour dating blogger Alyssa Shelasky has been profoundly affected by recent tragic events, including the storms that have ravaged the East Coast and the violent deaths of the 32 victims of the Virginia Tech shooter. Profoundly.

What is up with the world.
This city is just settling down after the wettest day in New York history since 1977. Everyone looks sticky, sickly and stressed-out. Both my new apartment, and my parent's [sic] building, had flooding issues. The whole gang was up most of the night dealing with one thing or another. I was so consumed with towels and buckets that I didn't even turn on the news till noon, when I learned about the Virginia Tech tragedy. Awful. There are no words.
Also, not that my love-life has anything to do with such unspeakable events, but.... I'm single again.
Just so you know.

Stormy Everything [Alyssa]