Joe Francis Learns That Prison Guards Are Less Susceptible Than Nightclub Doormen To Furtively Dispensed $100 Bills

Joe Francis, the Pied Piper of busty, barely legal co-eds with a taste for the handicam spotlight, has been having—to put it mildly—a bitch of a week. Currently doing hard, Panama City jail time for a contempt of court charge related to his photographing of underage girls in sexual situations, he was also served yesterday with a federal indictment for tax evasion, which carries with it a maximum potential sentence of ten years in a Camp Cupcake-like facility for boys. Now, like the cherry upon this glutonous, schadenfreude sundae, comes this report of a bribe he probably wishes he could take back:
"Girls Gone Wild" bad boy Joe Francis has allegedly been found with pills in his Florida jail cell — and the reason he got caught is because he allegedly tried to bribe a guard for a bottle of water with a $100 bill on Wednesday night.
Now, Francis could face charges of introduction of contraband into a correctional facility, which is a felony, and possession of a controlled substance, as first reported by The County Press of Bay County, Fla.
It's yet another difficult lesson for Francis, who, still learning the rules of life on the inside, finds himself having fallen victim to a classic first timer's mistake: That is, assuming that the guards' large, colorful buttons, reading "Ask me about our hard cash for crisp, delicious Arrowhead program!" was a genuine spring water promotion, and not merely a devious method of entrapping gullible newbies.