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As you can imagine, most of the executions we wanted to carry out this week concerned people who sent us e-mail. Since that is sadly impossible (and, you know, illegal) we had to sate our bloodlust with the collection of commenters you'll find below. Thanks for stopping by, folks, we hope to see you again real soon.

Executed: cajun boy in the city
Crime: Predictability.

Executed: swaytalk
Crime: Wandering into the wrong part of town.

Executed: Eunice X
Crime: Unfunny racism.

Executed: HyperboleandLies
Crime: Assuming that "corporate" tells us anything.

Executed: stuckinIraq
Crime: No real crime. It's just that Gawker hates the troops.

Execution is just that: banishment. Beheading. Public death. The big check-out. Y'all may check the Gawker Comments FAQ. It is also true that banned commenters may return through our invitation. The best way to receive such is to send us cookies (peanut butter, please) or charming and juicy gossip-filled emails.