Times fashion critic and On The Runway blogger has been kicking up controversy of late, but a recent blog post may be her most shocking yet. Yes, more shocking even than the scathing critiques that got her banned from the shows of Carolina Herrera, Nicole Miller, and Dolce & Gabbana: she tackled a topic that's as taboo in fashion as as a Marxist reading of Julia Kristeva is in a post-Lacanian study group! We speak, of course, of eating food. "Someone on the blog was nice to mention these cookies, so here's the recipe. I make them at Christmas but I think they're pretty good any time. The amount of bacon fat is accurate — appalling but accurate —and I recommend you use a basic supermarket brand bacon. Don't get fancy, and you'll go straight to heaven." But you will no longer fit into your size zero toga when you arrive there, that's for darn sure.

Let's Eat [On the Runway]