Joe Francis Uses Clever Self-Promotional Plug To Explain Why He's Breaking Law This Time

If you thought Girls Gone Wild svengali Joe Francis would order his captain to redirect his good-times flotilla to Panama City so he could fulfill a contempt of court jail term, well, you were wrong:
Francis told The Associated Press late Thursday that [Judge] Smoak "had lost his mind."
"This judge has gone as far as to call me the devil and an evildoer," he said. "It is a case of a judge gone wild."
Francis' attorneys appealed the order that would send him to jail; the court had not issued an opinion Thursday evening. Smoak denied a request by Francis to stay the order pending the appeal.
Francis can hardly be accused of being inflexible in the matter, having offered to send in his place a six-pack of slightly used co-eds (GED Class of '09!) to shore in an inflatable dinghy. It was only once the megalomaniacal Smoak refused this extremely generous gesture that the entrepreneur was forced to pull out the big guns, using his intimidating verbal sparring skills to dismiss his adversary as a "judge gone wild"—though, as of post time, we doubt a branded sun visor would have been enough to get Smoak to abandon his dogged pursuit of the accused teen exploiter, and instead pull up his robe, giggle, and shake his furry funbags for the GGW cameras.