This morning, some commenters had a great idea: Divorce magazine! Good news: it exists. You can purchase either a two-issue subscription for $13.95, or, if you're pretty sure the custody hearings and bitter rage are going to drag on a bit, you can commit to a four-issue union for $25.95. Still not sure whether it's a good idea? You might want to sample a few of Divorce's offerings online. For example, in an article about how cherishing "the gifts of your marriage" could help "heal your heart," Spiritual Divorce author Debbie Ford offers some very good advice.

"During my marriage I learned and experienced at least 100 things that have contributed to my life. When I breathe them in and honor my life by honoring my experiences, I bask in the joy of emotional freedom." Here are some of the gifts of Debbie's failed marriage:

  • "I have the child I always wanted."
  • "My ex-husband paid off my school loans."
  • "I've learned how to share and include others in my life even if I disagree with them."
  • "I received the inspiration for my second book."
  • "I had the wedding I always dreamed of."

This sounds awesome! We can't wait to get Divorce!

The Gifts of Your Marriage [DivorceMag]