Today's Thursday Styles Rosenbloomination on parents who let their kids make their decisions for them has some fun tidbits, it's true. A mom is letting her son daughter advise her on how to remodel the bathroom (pictured)! Another kiddo "turned her mother on to the band Coldplay"—"It's not a sort of 'You're so lame, Mom,' situation at all," says the mom. But then about halfway through there's this blob of random:

"Now it's 'What do the kids want?' " Dr. Kavaler said. "My father would say, 'Who cares what the kids want?' "(Of course, in places like ancient Egypt, where Tutankhamen became King Tut at 8 or 9, they had to care.)

Whoa! The extensive research for this article didn't just include talking to people who have children, it also included a trip to the Met! Stephanie Rosenbloom continues to impress.

Mommy and Daddy's Little Life Coach [NYT]