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We've got the Grindhouse fever and there's only one known cure, short of actually seeing Grindhouse: execute the bejesus out of a boatload of commenters. Block 'em all and let God sort 'em out. Let's do it.

Executed: Jadorezola
Crime: Foul overshare time-out necessary. Also confusion. Maybe even confusion=sex.

Executed: colinsmith
Crime: Only we get to make the "slow news day" crack.

Executed: Badly Written Boy
Crime: Dave Zinczenko cock obsession.

Executed: citytropic
Crime: Not caring enough about Julia Allison.

Executed: LemonLyman
Crime: Formulaic "text from post" quip about Gawker self-referentiality. Using all caps sometimes. Not caring about food. Also, tweaking on Adderall.

Executed: Lloyd Grove
Crime: He's not a commenter, as far as we know, but we just wanted to execute him for kicks. Feels good!

Execution is just that: banishment. Beheading. Public death. The big check-out. Y'all may check the Gawker Comments FAQ. It is also true that banned commenters may return through our invitation. The best way to receive such is to send us cookies (peanut butter, please) or charming and juicy gossip-filled emails.