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Sole survivor of the Baldwin Family Career Curse Alec has always been an actor with a conscience, as demonstrated recently by his reaction to a NY Times article about a young female soldier from Phoenix soon headed off to combat. So touched was he by Pvt. Resha Kane's story, Baldwin himself (no, that's no typo—we said himself) tracked down Kane's family to tell them he'd like to contribute to Kane's college tuition fund:

"I didn't know what to say," Kane said. "And then I asked him if he could send me his autograph. I've never met a star, let alone talked to one on the phone."

[Baldwin's spokesman, Matthew] Hiltzik said the actor would meet the Kane family in Mohave Valley and give them a check, which will be in addition to the $37,000 the Army will give Kane for college. A date for the meeting will be decided next week, he said.

"It's a great example that people of different backgrounds can agree on the importance of supporting our troops."[Hitzik said.]

We hope the selfless gesture will inspire other celebrities to follow in Baldwin's non-partisan, philanthropic footsteps, which will culminate in the grace note of the actor personally presentating Kane with his donation, contained in an envelope upon which he's lightheartedly inscribed: "Resha: Remember—this is for books, not beer bongs! Just kidding...And keep up the good fight, even though I can't and won't support what it is you're fighting for, but can still support you, as evidenced by the sizable check inside! Love, Uncle Alec."