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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you spotted foul-mouthed movie set mutineer Lily Tomlin on your Southwest flight into Burbank.

In today's episode: Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Rafaeli; Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Steven Spielberg, Kate Capshaw, Rob Reiner, and Sandra Oh; Arianna Huffington; Jack Nicholson, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Carson Daly and Joey Fatone; Mark Wahlberg; Luke Wilson; Lily Tomlin; Richard Lewis; Courteney Cox and Laura Dern; Mandy Moore; Johnny Knoxville; Jonathan Rhys Myers; John Krasinski; Hugh Laurie; Adam Brody; Quentin Tarantino; Molly Shannon; Michael C. Hall, Thandie Newton and David Leisure; Kirstie Alley and Sally Struthers; Brad Grey; Paul Dooley; Meredith Baxter, Tom Morello, Joe Simpson, and Slash; Elisa Donovan; Zachary Quinto; Kim Kardashian; Neil Flynn; Andrew Dice Clay; Monica Keena, Rachel Boston, Diane Delano, and Joel Michaely; Eric Benet; Haley Marie Norman; and Marc Horowitz.

· I was perusing the cheap put-it-together-yourself-and-maybe-die-in-the-process furniture at the Burbank Ikea and came across a baseball-capped Leonardo DiCaprio and his very attractive, though extremely young looking, girlfriend Bar Rafaeli . They were looking at mock room set-ups and shelving units. Wouldn't you think he would make enough per picture to afford ACTUAL furniture and not Swedish particle-board?

· Attended the star studded (?) premiere of "Distracted" at the Taper. Saw Tom Hanks with his improbable hair and extended family supporting wife-unit Rita Wilson (who was great). Also saw Sandra Oh, looking older than I thought. Rob Reiner, looking like Magic Mountain in a black suit, and Steven Spielberg wearing the same camel-colored corduroy jacket your science teacher wore and some seriously dirty shoes. Didn't have enough time to figure out whether this was a deliberate look, or just too-rich-to-care. Shiksawifeunit Kate Capshaw was skinny, but had a surprisingly natural, motile and attractive face. Hate her.

Arianna Huffington was there. Were she still with the gay husband he might have told her that peplums should skim the hip. Higher up they are doilies.

· Went to the Laker game on Sunday 3/25. The usual Hollywood hugging and million-dollar smiles. Sat in the B-lister section right behind Carson Daly and his two buddys. He later found Joey Fatone further down the row, they embraced and fondly remembered the glory days when they ruled MTV and teenage girls. Also viewed Jeffrey Katzenberg in the front row looking very upbeat despite his profits being flushed away. Andy Garcia walked in front of us with his daughter, he was dressed like it was a Knicks game...outdoors. Jack Nicholson's hair has grown in since the Oscar telecast. The guy next to me just returned from Iraq and got his seats as a gift. Glad he could enjoy an entertaining game.

· Mark Wahlberg having an early Friday lunch at Matsuhisa. Not that having lunch before noon is unusual but his cell phone certainly was. When was the last time you saw anyone in Hollywood with an old school cell that you pull out the antenna before you answer the phone? You can take th boy out of New England but you can't take the....

· Saw a ridiculously hot looking Luke Wilson last night (3/25) at Musha in Santa Monica. He sat at the sushi bar with a lady friend and another gentleman. They were all super nice and looked like they were having a good time.

· Hey Defamerites— Lily Tomlin was on my Souwthwest flight home to Burbank on Saturday (03/24). She looked stunning, sexy, and classy. With Tom Waits on the cover of Southwest Spirit magazine, there was even a little Short Cuts reunion to be had. Alas, Mr. O. Russell was not on the plane. too bad, because I'd have liked to see Lily kick his ass.

On the way home from the airport, we saw Richard Lewis being interviewed outside of the Laugh Factory. Everyone was in black, so we assume it was a memorial for Richard Jeni.

· This sunday we saw Courteney Cox, Coco, and a bunch of either friends or nannies taking up the big back table at Patrick's Roadhouse. They all seemed to be having a pleasant time with an elderly lady friend... who my wife later told me was Laura Dern.

· Sunday PM, LAX, heading to NYC on American. Mandy Moore in the security line with a bearded fedora-wearing hipster type. Hard to tell if they were 'together.' She looked great in no make-up and a simple cotton dress. Very 'normal sized' (aside from being tall) and hot. Sadly, she was not at Lotus when I went there after landing. Even more sadly, I was.

· 3/22- I'm about 90% sure that I saw Johnny Knoxville driving down Bundy in West LA. He had his typical tousled hair, cop shades, and the "I don't mind putting strange things down my pants or getting hit in the nads for a living" look. The only reason there was the 10% of unsureness (word?), is that he was driving a really nice Mercedes. Not exactly what I pictured him driving for some reason.

· 3/25, 4 pm. Saw Jonathan Rhys-Myers in his black Audi [A6 or A8] making a left onto Genessee from Hollywood Blvd. Made eye contact when making his left turn; hypnotic stare

· Spotted Jonathan Rhys-Myers last Thursday morning at Crunch in the locker room... but sadly, I didn't get close enough to report back on the important statistics. Nonetheless, I was having thoughts about cancelling my membership to Crunch— now I'm not cancelling it anytime soon.

Then yesterday evening (Sunday) at the Arclight, I went to see "Reign Over Me," as did John Krasinski (with a girl, but I couldn't tell if it was Rashida Jones or not, and quite frankly, I wasn't paying attention)... I kept craning my neck in his general direction whenever BJ Novak came on screen (who, by the way, is the best part of an otherwise manipulative, crappy movie).

· 10:30 Friday morning, westbound on Melrose and spotted him on a motorcycle pulling out of a gas station and it made the trip to Hollywood Chamber of Commerce breakfast worth it. One of the joys of living in LA is seeing 6' 3" of pure sex in the form of Hugh Laurie gaining on you in the rear view mirror. On his black Triumph and even handsomer in person. I rolled down my window for a good look and resisted the urge to jump on the back of his bike as he passed. My passenger thanked me.

· Saturday night, 24 March: An extremely Seth Cohen-esque Adam Brody was at HMS Bounty on Wilshire with a broad shouldered and brunette lady friend. No one seemed to notice him, despite his flamboyant hand gestures, and I concluded that the other patrons there couldn't have cared less about the vague celebrity in our midst. However, my companion had a clear view of the stairway leading to the building next door and said that every single person freaked out once out of his view.

· 3/25, Four Season around noon. Just finishing their delicious and insanely overpriced brunch ($140 for two people? Really?) when I saw Quentin Tarantino getting out of a white car. I should have paid more attention to exactly what kind of a car it was but he wasn't driving. Wearing an ugly green hospital shirt and horrible green jacket. Does he dress like that on purpose or does he really not know any better?

· Molly Shannon, baby Nolan, and nanny on JetBlue flight from JFK to BUR today (3/26). Flight attendant cornered her in the back of the plane to talk about "career choices." She seemed to be genuinely engaged in conversation with the attendant. Then later, she was knocked out in her aisle seat catching some major z's (mouth wide open). I'll admit it wasn't the most glamorous moment, but 30 minutes prior I know I looked the exact same way.

· a friday afternoon triple play 3.23 around 1:45 on my way down Beverly saw a very dark haired Michael C. Hall pacing in front of Shelter, was he thinking about how much things cost in there? Then on Fairfax turning into the grove Thandie Newton in a red porsche, top down looking amazing with no make up, yes i was that close to her. Then getting the car from the valet at the Grove (it is just worth the 8 bucks) getting into a lexus was David Leisure...what no Isuzu for Joe Isuzu!

Saturday, 3/23 - Kirstie Alley spotted at the WeHo Target at the intersection of La Brea and Santa Monica. She was in the bedding section with some woman who appeared to her assistant. She looked so-so.

· 3-24 Who spent part of her 30th birthday at Targay? I did! And so did Stunning (size 16 if she's a day) Kirstie Alley and Save the Children's Sally Struthers. I couldn't look away... from ether of them. (snap! I said it! owwwwww!) (I'm not a total freak, I just really love target!)

· Two very odd sightings that may not exactly make the top of your list, but hey, there's always the bottom of the page that needs to be filled. Saturday night (3/24) saw longtime TV veteran guest star/best-John-Hughes-movie-dad ever Paul Dooley coming out of Reign O'er Me at the Arclight. Couldn't tell if the one actor who appeared in Death Wish, Shakes the Clown and Strange Brew (thanks, IMDB!), but was still forced to take part in Employee of the Month enjoyed the Sandler flick, but hey, he was wearing overalls and holding hands with his wife, so all must be right with the world.

Saw Brad Grey of all people the next morning (3/25) racing his bicycle down the bike path that runs along the PCH from the edge of Malibu to Venice. Decked out in Tour de France-style blue Lycra from head to toe complete with helmet and wraparound sunglasses, I wouldn't have recognized him except that I'd seen him a couple of times in person here and there and you never forget the man who had so much faith in Norm MacDonald that he executive produced both Screwed and Dirty Work.

· Hi! A little bit late, I know, but I was at LAX on Thursday the 15th on my way to Austin for SXSW. While walking to my gate I saw Meredith Baxter, the mom from Family Ties, walking away from the gate next to mine and looking kind of annoyed.

While at my gate I spotted Tom Morello smiling and talking with fans who had approached him. I then got on the plane and passed by Joe Simpson and SLASH in first class. Slash was looking like, well, like Slash. Joe Simpson looked a little too creepy for me to do a double take.

· Bottle Rock wine bar in Culver City, Saturday 3/24: Sitting at an outside table was Sandra Oh, with a table of six or so, including Amber from Clueless (Elisa Donovan). Had no idea Sandra and Ambular were friends...

· Saturday night at a photo "gallery showing" at a trendy Hollywood coffee joint, I saw Syler from "Heroes" aka ZACHARY QUINTO. IMDB says homeboy is 30 - no way! On the show, I always thought he looked late 20s/30-ish, but in person he looks baby-faced and about 24. He was prepster/hipster cool sportin' a sweater and black horn rimmed glasses and seemed to be at this thing with a girl/date. Zach clearly knew the photographer, who I also believe is usually an actor type himself. This sighting made me totally anxious for "Heroes" to come back from hiatus!

· 3-25 Paris pal Kim "Oooh baby I'm gonna cum" Kardashian at Casa Vega in Sherman Oaks. Huge boobs hanging out of a low cut dress, heavy makeup, waiting for a table like everyone else. Maybe if Paris was there she would have been seated faster!

· A very tall Neil Flynn from Scrubs wandered in to the Robin Hood Pub in Sherman Oaks, just before midnight on Friday. He was with a contingent of other "very tall" guys. Could of fielded a competitive basketball team!

· The DiceMan Cometh to 24hr FItness in Sherman Oaks. Just clocked funnyman manque Andrew Dice Clay bellying up to the reception with his long-haired semi-surly son. Nice 'tude, tubs. They are soon to be reality stars, no?, like the Osbournes and Hulk Hogans. Whatever the comeback format, he looked way (whey?) burly with huge out-hanging shirt and amusingly frazzled hair and sideburns, now streaked with grey. Here's hoping to a meeting of comic titans when he bumps into gym regular Jay Mohr.

· Marix, Saturday 24th March — there was a huge party going on on the patio, pink balloons, drunken guests, the whole 9... sitting in the corner in a little celebu-pod was an odd mix of folks, including a sweatshirted Monica Keena, pigtaled and ginghamed Rachel Boston, animated Diane Delano, and slick-haired Joel Michaely. It looked like everyone was having a gay old time with a set of big blonde twins.

· Today I saw Halle Berry's ex, Eric Benet is Claremont, CA. He was entering the Some Crust bakery with 2 young girls when I was leaving. Both he and the girls were dressed super-hollywood-y; he's quite attractive though, and a decent height (since people seem to care about that kind of thing). The girls had on Harajuku Lovers tees and handbags, and True Religion jeans. He was wearing some sort of crazy-painted Vans shoe, jeans, and blazer. And I think embroidery on either his shirt or the blazer. They were all just a whirl of graphics. That's what I mean by super-hollywood-y, who else can afford to be so very trendy?? My friend and I figure he was in town to visit Ben Harper or something since Some Crust is a block or so away from Ben's parents' Folk Music Center. Woo hoo. Yes I know, not very exciting.

· Saw Haley Marie Norman from Deal or No Deal at Miceli's in Universal City. I have never seen the show, but people I was with recognized her. I just thought when I walked by her, "Wow, that is a gorgeous woman." You'd have to be gorgeous to pull off that 'do, and she does. One of the guys I was with wanted to go up and ask her if he could see inside her 'briefcase'. Hilarity ensued!

· [Ed. note: Since recent media appearances have featured a cleanshaven Jon Heder, we strongly suspect the following sighting was of accidental Heder impressionist Marc Horowitz.] finishing up brunch at Dusty's in Silverlake this Sunday, we caught Jon Heder of Napoleon Dynamite and Blades of Glory fame getting on his bike. He appeared heftier than I thought he would be and looked like a total stoner, long scraggly hair and full on beard. Isn't he a Mormon? He didn't look like a Mormon. Anyway, it could've also been his twin brother, Dan Heder. Oh and he was totally nice.