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As teased on Friday, the Anna Nicole Smith Autopsy Results Spectacular premiered today: Broward County medical examiner Dr. Joshua Perper concludes no foul play was involved, with the cause of death lying in the cumulative effect of no less than nine—count them, nine!—prescription drugs coursing her veins at the time of death, in addition to the "contributory causes" of a viral flu for which she refused to be treated, even when her temperature rose to 105°, and (courtesy warning for anyone currently eating) an abscess on her rear end, where she regularly injected herself with medication.

The drugs were mostly sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medications such as Valium, Klonopin, and Ativan, and no traces of "methadone or other opiates" were found—surprising, since methadone was what killed her son Daniel, and was found sitting in her fridge. The full report is available at The Smoking Gun, an enlightening morning read for Anna Nicole junkies that contains several insightful observations, including the coroner's findings that her (second courtesy warning) "anus is unremarkable."