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Ann Coulter buddy, former gay porn actor, Marine Corps reservist, and Columbia student Matt Sanchez dissects his university's relationship with the military. [Ed Note: Are we still saying "allegedly" on this one? Anyone? Eh.] [Columbia Spec]
Inside Edition finds mice at Brazil Grill in Times Square, and films it. [Eater]
Substance abuse among NYC teenagers drops, but "Staten Island had much higher rates of binge drinking and drug use than the other boroughs." [NYT]
Twenty-seven-year-old Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl can't resist the charms, and the private jet, of Ron Burkle. Also, he's agreed to build a $290 million stadium so Burkle won't move the Pittsburgh Penguins. [Pittsburgh Tribune-Review]
That whole Anna Nicole-has-an-Indian baby thing? Totally made up by Phoenix New Times! We suppose this is their idea of an alt-joke. [Phoenix New Times]