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So Glamour dating blogger Alyssa Shelasky dropped a bit of a bomb on her loyal readers the other day: She's seeing someone! She's actually in a real, live relationship, and so she's been blogging more about her life—buying an apartment in New York with her sister, you know, the usual—and her audience is really upset. Turns out a dating blogger's life is pretty boring when she's not writing about dating.

One commenter writes:

Four days ago, in the March 11th post you said there was no one to write home about. I don't exactly understand how in the past four days, a few of them being in Austin, you have met a guy, had dinner with him and your father, and feel too taken to flirt with the hot chef. I'm not trying to be mean, I just feel a little bit lied to. I stand by your right to blog less about your personal life, but I also didn't think you would lie to us. It's not that I'm dying to hear all about him (I mean, of course I'd like to know something about him, but maybe that isn't possible), it's that i feel like we get up everyday and read your blog, and the least you can do is be honest about what is going on in your life. You don't need to say anything about him if you dont want to, but don't tell us you are painfully single when in reality something is becoming a little more serious. Don't make us think that you are not blogging at all about boys because you aren't seeing any, when in reality you just aren't going to say much of anything about them ever. I'm not trying to be a b*tch, and I know this job is so hard, but the blog isn't going to be fun and stimulating, regardless of what it's about, if we feel like you are saying that you are single and then four days later there is some mystery guy meeting your dad and stealing your heart.

Seriously! Are we supposed to be, like, happy for her?

Stealing Top Chef [See Alyssa Date]

Earlier: The Only Thing Worse Than Being On Gawker Is Not Being On Gawker