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Hey, did you hear something? Yeah, you're right, probably just the wind. Oh, no, wait, it's COMMENTER EXECUTIONS! We've chosen to do things a little differently this week, with a group cull. Are you part of the group? The answer is after the jump.

Just to make a point - and prove how truly unpredictable we are - we've decided to terminate every single person* who piled on in the lame mockery of Lynn Yeager yesterday. Yeah, sure, she's had the same face since the eighties, but, come on, you people are better than that. Say goodbye (for now) to Pigfoot, Mary Mouse, Guerilla Hack, antisocialite, La Cieca, and EBW.

Disputants may consult the Gawker Comments FAQ, section 5. However, note also that this manner of death isn't really permanent. Banned commenters may return through invitations or through future general amnesties. Existing commenters should also feel free to nominate other commenters for future bannings; doing so will, of course, raise one's own potential banning profile.

*Except for KarenUhOh. We don't want to live in a world where KarenUhOh isn't a Gawker commenter, do you?