DePauw University president Robert Bottoms proved Monday that, when it comes to defending students from lookist sorority presidents, he's the tops! Sorry. Anyway, he has disbanded the remaining "pretty" members (pictured!) of the DePauw Delta Zetas, and one of the reasons was apparently their president's website nonapology for booting chunky gals: "Bottoms said the school was unhappy with Delta Zeta's policies and actions, and with some of the postings on its Web site in response to the controversy that followed the evictions. 'I came to the conclusion that our approaches to these issues are just incompatible.'" Delta Zeta national President Debbie Raziano could not be reached by the AP for comment, but we imagine her comment would have been something along the lines of "I'm sorry you think you have to feel that way."

DePauw Cuts Ties With Troubled Sorority [AP]
Earlier: Fattie-Hating Sorority Prez Admits "Mistake"