• Fresh evidence that America hates the poor—'Times Select' is now offered free to college kids. What, at $30K a semester the stupid children can't afford a newspaper? Yeah, snuggle up to that demo! [fishbowlny]
  • A Red Sox fan and furniture retailer is giving shoppers a full refund on anything purchased by April 16th if the Sox go all the way. Guess what? They won't go all the way. And now you have a nice, expensive sofa to celebrate on until next season, sucka! [adfreak]
  • Unflappable New Yorker critic Alex Ross has had it up to here with the Times and their damn violin stories. [the rest is noise]
  • You know when you've had a long night of drinking and you wake up the next morning and feel like you're on the verge of barfing for the first three hours of your day, but can't? Well, save this image to your desktop, it'll do the trick. [felber's frolics]