• The hottest party of the year: Baghdad, Iraq. [razor apple]
  • This blogger is celebrating the sixth year anniversary of her blog! But, with no e-cake? Wow, this party totally sucks. [dooce]
  • One tip to avoid the party line at your local Starbucks: Stop drinking two dollar cups of coffee. [cajun boy in the city]
  • Living with your girlfriend for a year is pretty big deal, dividing up your record collection if it doesn't work out is a bigger deal, and getting a phone call from said girlfriend (now ex) in a few years saying she had your kid shortly after you broke up, but didn't tell you for "her own reasons", but just wants you to know that "everything is cool and you don't have to be involved, at all, if you don't want to be" is an even bigger deal. What? Oh, congrats. [ZFS]