• The Village Voice sex ad awards are where it's at. [copyranter]
  • Say "goodbye" to Pier 17. And you know what? Say "good riddance!" Who can argue with the fact that this city desperately needs more luxury condos for rich, white people? Not the back pages of NY mag, that's for sure. [gothamist]
  • An informative and comprehensive essay on "The Guido." Though in the next draft we'd like to see the inclusion of the "Guidette," The Guido's spray-tanned, Juicy Couture-clad hussy. [clublife]
  • Feel like your own blog might be a bit lacking? Follow this author's lead and make a photo journal of the stuff in your grandparent's house. It's like a brick of solid blog gold. [rubber buns and liquor]
  • Okay, fine. Here's something that happened at the Oscars. [fourfour]