The New York Times, for the first time since 1994, will not participate in "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day" this April. It's not just because they hate children, though! They'll be mid-move, according to a memo just sent by publisher Arthur Sulzberger, to their delicious new building. The childless media heathens of 43rd Street—as in, the vast majority of the staff— can rejoice in an unbroken 365-day streak without the cooing of Brooklyn toddlers and the sullen poutings of pimpled Jersey teens spewing from the soon-to-be-forgotten cubicle farms.

February 23, 2007

To the Staff:

Since many of you start planning for "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day" around this time of year, I wanted to let you know that we have decided not to host this wonderful event in 2007. This will be the first time we have not participated in the program since it was inaugurated in 1994.

The reason is simple: in late April, when "Daughters and Sons" takes place nationwide, we will be in the midst of moving from our 43rd Street offices to our new headquarters building.

Trying to plan a day of programs for 250 children when some of us will be in the new building, some still here, and some in transit, just didn't seem like a very good idea.

While we'll miss this annual opportunity to talk shop with our enthusiastic young visitors, we'll have even more to share with them when we bring "Daughters and Sons" back in 2008.
