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You'd think that writing a blog about her sex life for Glamour magazine called "See Alyssa Date" might qualify Alyssa Shelasky as an extrovert. Alas, this isn't the case. Alyssa just want all those prying eyes to go away! Especially when the prying eyes are, um, ours.

When Gawker posted some snarky stuff about me, months ago, I literally hid in the movie theater all day long until it went away. I saw like 5 flicks in a row just because I couldn't deal. I hated every second of being on that thing (I don't know how my friend Julia Allison does it). That's probably another reason I have disproportionate compassion for the Britneys of the world...even though I'm completely unknown, being famous sounds like torture to me.

We're sure your friend Julia Allison feels the exact same way, Alyssa.

Earlier: Alyssa Shelasky Submits To Hellish 'Glamour' Blog Concept