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· If Little Miss Sunshine takes Best Picture, the two beaming faces you won't see collecting their little molded golden men are Ron Yerxa and Albert Berger (pictured), who were the unlucky two lopped off the list to satisfy the academy's "three producers" rule, also known as the Feud-O-Matic. [The Envelope]
· The French Union of Film Critics awarded Private Fears in Public Places (aka Coeurs) Best Gallic Film, and Volver Best Foreign Film, aka the The Best Anyone Could Do Considering They Weren't French Award. [Variety]
· In further cinéma awards news, the Jutras* (*Quebec's Genies†!) (†Canada's Oscars!) gave its top prize to Congorama. [THR]
· Some thoughts on the differences between making your Oscar pool picks and sports pool pics. Gentlemen, start your "You're probably gay" []
· Reuters still wants to get to the bottom of whether or not Dreamgirls was the victim of Academy racism, and will keep asking experts until they get a theory-validating "Maybe!" [Reuters]